Code: CS11                                                            Subject: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING &


Flowchart: Alternate Process: AUGUST 2009Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100



·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 28 marks. Answer any FOUR questions from the rest.  Marks are indicated against each question.

·      Parts of a question should be answered at the same place.



Q.1       a.  What are the different data types available in C? Describe them briefly along with memory requirement.


             b.  Write a function to check whether a given year is a leap year or not.


             c.  What is the difference between *ptr++ and ++*ptr?


             d.  What are formal and actual parameters? Differentiate between them with the help of an example.


             e.  Write a function to check whether a string is a palindrome or not.


             f.   Differentiate between entry controlled and exit controlled loops with examples.


             g. Write a function to swap two integers without using any temporary variable and any additional space.                                                                                                                             (7  4)


Q.2       a.  Explain preprocessor and directives.                                                                                 


             b.  Write a non-recursive function int fib(int n) that returns the nth fibonacci number.                 


             c.  Why is a linked list called a dynamic data structure?  What are the advantages of using linked lists over arrays?                                                                                                                            (6+6+6)


  Q.3     a.  What is the difference between an enumeration and a set of processor #defines?                


             b.  A positive integer is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to obtain the prime factors of this number. Modify the function suitably to obtain the prime factors recursively.                          (8+10)


  Q.4     a.  Using switch statement write a program to find out the roots of a quadratic equation.          


             b.  Write a program to generate the following output.                                                              


                                    A B C D E F G F E D C B A

A B C D E F    F E D C B A

A B C D E          E D C B A

A B C D                D  C B A

A B C                        C B A

A B                               B A

                  A                                      A                                           (9+9)


  Q.5     a.  Among the functions fgets() and gets() which is safer to use and why?                                


             b.  Write a program to check weather a 33 matrix is symmetric or not.                       (8+10)


  Q.6     a.  What is the difference between formatted and unformatted console I/O?                            


             b.  Given two sorted lists where the first list is sorted in ascending order and the second list is sorted in descending order. Write a program to merge these two sorted list to obtain a sorted list in ascending order.       (8+10)


  Q.7          Write short notes on (Any THREE):                                                                                


(i)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         File Handling.

(ii)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Principles of documentation.

(iii)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Passing an array as an argument.

(iv)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Binary Search.   (6+6+6)