CT11                                                   DATA STRUCTURES THROUGH C



1. Introduction to C Programming                                                           

2. Arrays                                                                                              

3. Linked Lists

4. Recursion and Backtracking                            

5. Stacks and Queues

6. Trees                                               

7. Searching and Sorting                                                                                    

8. Graphs                                                                                                         

9. General Search Trees

10. Dynamic Memory Management                     



1. Introduction to C Programming

   1.1 A Tutorial Introduction

            1.2 Types, Operators, and Expressions

            1.3 Control Flow

            1.4 Functions and Program Structure

            1.5 Pointers and Arrays

            1.6 Structures

            1.7 Input and Output 

2. Arrays

       2.1 Representation of arrays -single and multidimensional arrays

       2.2 Address calculation using column and row major ordering

3. Linked lists

3.1 Singly linked lists -operations on list

3.2 Circular and Doubly linked lists with header node

3.3 Polynomial representation and manipulation using linked lists

3.4 Generalized lists

3.5 Sparse matrix representation using generalized list structure

4. Recursion and Backtracking

       4.1 The Eight-Queens Problem

       4.2 The Stable Marriage Problem

5. Stacks and Queues

5.1 Representation of stacks and queues using arrays

5.2 Circular Queues

5.3 Conversion from infix to postfix and prefix expressions

5.4 Evaluation of postfix expression using stacks.

5.5 Linked Stacks and Queues

5.6 Multiple Stacks and Queues

5.7 Deque (Double Ended Queue)

5.8 Priority Queues



6. Trees

6.1 Binary tree traversal methods

6.2 Recursive and non recursive algorithms for tree traversal methods

6.3 Threaded Binary trees

6.4 Binary Search trees

6.5 Height balanced (AVL) trees

6.6 Huffman trees

6.7 General Ordered Trees and Forest – General traversal and traversal of their Binary Tree 


 6.8 Decision and game trees

7. Searching and Sorting

7.1 Searching

7.1.1 Sequential and Binary searches

7.1 .2 Indexed search

7.1.3 Hashing schemes

7.2 Sorting

7.2.1 Insertion, Selection and Bubble sort

7.2.2 Quick sort, Heap sort and Merge sort

7.2.3 Radix and Shell sort

      7.3 Analysis of searching and sorting algorithms


8. Graphs

8.1 Graph representation schemes: Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List and Linked


8.2 Graph Traversal schemes: DFS, BFS

8.3 Minimum spanning trees: Kruskal Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm 

8.4 Dijkstra’s Shortest path algorithm

8.5 Network Flow Problem

8.6 Scheduling Problem    

8.7 Topological sort

9. General Search Trees

9.1 Multiway Search Trees

9.2 B-trees

9.2.1 Definition of B- Tree

9.2.2 Basic operations on B- Tree

9.3 B+ Trees


10. Dynamic Memory Management

      10.1 Firstfit and bestfit approaches

      10.2 Boundary Tag method

      10.3 Buddy systems






Text Books


 1. Kernighan and  Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", Prentice Hall of India, 1989.

 2., Tenenbaum, Augestein and Langsam "Data Structures using C", Prentice Hall, 1992

 3.  Horowitz and Sahani, "Fundamentals of Data Structures ", Galgotia Book Source (GBS)         Publication, reprint, 1994.



Reference Books

1. R.G. Dromey, "How to Solve it by Computer", Prentice Hall of India, 1992.

2. Kruse, Tondo and Leung, "Data Structures and Program Design in C", Prentice Hall, 2007

3. Donald E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming vol.1- Fundamental Algorithms ", Addison Weslay, 1975.

4. Niklaus Wirth, “Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs”, Prentice Hall, 2001