CT-12                                     COMPUTER ARCHITECTUER


STRUCTURE                                                                                                 No of Hours(42)


1.            Introduction to Computer Structure                                            3

2.            Computer Arithmetic and Their Hardware Implementation               6

3.            Instruction Set Architecture                                                       5       

4.            Introduction to Computer Organization                                       6

5.            Micro Sequencer & Micro Programmed Control Unit Design              4

6.            Memory Organization                                                               6

7.            Input/Output Organization                                                        5

8.            Advanced Processor Architectures and Parallel Computers               7


1.        Introduction to Computer Structure


1.1         Programmer’s view of computer system

1.2         Hardware designer’s view of computer system

1.3         Objectives of computer architecture

1.4         Principles in computer design

1.5         Computer types

1.6         Computer performance


2.        Computer Arithmetic and Their Hardware Implementation


2.1         Unsigned notation arithmetic

2.2         Signed notation arithmetic

2.3         BCD arithmetic

2.4         Floating point arithmetic

2.5         Design of sequential 2’s complement circuit, Carry look ahead adder, Wallace tree multiplier


3.        Instruction Set Architecture


3.1         Instruction set architecture design

3.2         Addressing modes

3.3         Instruction set & Instruction format

3.4         Working of assembler and macro assembler

3.5         Stacks & subroutines


4.        Introduction to Computer Organization


4.1         Basic computer organization

4.2         CPU organization

4.3         Memory subsystem organization & interfacing

4.4         I/O subsystem organization & interfacing

4.5         Micro operation & RTL

4.6         Implementation of digital systems by using RTL

4.7         Design of ALU

4.8         Design of CPU


5.        Micro Sequencer & Micro Programmed Control Unit Design


5.1         Generic micro instruction format

5.2         Basic micro sequencer design

5.3         Design of control unit horizontal & vertical micro code

5.4         Micro subroutine


6.        Memory Organization


6.1         Classification of memory

6.2         Organization of memory chips and memory interleaving

6.3         Hierarchical memory system

6.4         Cache memory & mapping techniques

6.5         Virtual memory concept & its mapping techniques

6.6         Page replacement policies


7.        Input/Output Organization


7.1         Interfacing of I/O devices

7.2         Program control data transfer

7.3         Interrupt controlled data transfer

7.4         DMA based data transfer

7.5         Serial and  parallel data communication

7.6         RS-232-C standard


8.        Advanced Processor Architectures & Parallel Computers


        General principles of governing the design of processor architecture and performance enhancement strategies

        RISC and CISC processor

        Instruction pipelining in RISC

        Delay in pipeline execution

        Super-scalar processor

        VLIW and EPIC architecture

        Parallelisms in uni-processor

        Classification of parallel computers

        Vector computers and Array processor


Text Books


1.    Morris Mano-Computer System Architecture-PHI, Eastern Economy Edition-2001


2.    John D.Carpinelli-Computer Systems Organization and Architecture-Pearson Education Asia-1st Edition



Reference Books:


                  1.  B Govindarajalu – Computer Architecture and Organization-TMH-2006


              2.  J P Hayes- Computer Organization and Architecture-MGH,3rd Edition