
CT42                                      Design and Analysis of Algorithms



1.    Analyzing algorithms                                             4 hours

1.1. Order of growth

1.2. Worst case analysis

1.3. Big Oh, Big Theta, Big Omega

1.4. Recurrence relations

1.5. Back tracking – 8 Queens problem


2.    Graphs                                                               4 hours

2.1. Representation of graphs

2.2. Paths and cycles

2.3. Breadth first search

2.4. Depth first search

2.5. Topological sort

2.6. Strongly connected components


3.    Sorting                                                               6

3.1. Quicksort

3.1.1.   Description

3.1.2.   Analysis of quicksort

3.2.  Counting sort

3.3.  Radix sort

3.4. Bucket sort

3.5. Heap sort

3.5.1.   Maintaining heap property

3.5.2.   Building a heap

3.5.3.   Heapsort algorithm

3.5.4.   Priority queues


4.    Data Structures                                                    8

4.1. Hash Tables

4.1.1.   Hash Functions

4.1.2.   Open addressing     probing schemes

4.2.  Binary Search Trees

4.2.1.   AVL balanced trees

4.2.2.   Insertion and deletion in AVL trees

4.2.3.   Red Black trees – insertions

4.3. Other Tree structures

4.3.1  B Trees

4.3.2  B+ Trees

4.4. Disjoint sets

4.4.1.   Operations on disjoint sets

4.4.2.   Applications to connected components

4.4.3.   Linked list representations

4.4.4.   Time analysis


5.    Divide and Conquer Algorithms                               3

5.1.  Merge sort

5.2.  Analyzing divide and conquer algorithms

5.3.  Finding closest pair of points


6.    Greedy Algorithms                                                         4

6.1. Kruskal’s algorithm

6.2. Prim’s algorithm

6.3. Dijkstra’s algorithm

6.4. Huffman codes

6.5. Knapsack problem


7.    Dynamic Programming                                          6

7.1. Computing Fibonacci Numbers

7.2. Matrix chain multiplication

7.3. Longest common subsequence problem

7.4. Floyd –Warshall algorithm

7.5. Flow Networks – max flow min cut


8.    String Matching                                                    3

8.1. simple text search

8.2. Rabin Karp algorithm

8.3. Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm


9.    NP  completeness                                                          1

9.1. Polynomial time

9.2. NP completeness proofs

9.3. NP complete problems



Books Recommended :


  1. Introduction to algorithms – Cormen and others, Prentice Hall of India, second edition, 2002.
  2. Algorithms – Johnsonbaugh and Schaefer , Pearson Education prentice Hall