CT72        Computer Graphics


      Structure                                          No  of  Hours (40)

          1. Introduction                                                                2

          2. Line Drawing                                                                4

          3.Geometric Transformations                                           2

          4. Clipping Algorithms                                                      4

          5. Curve Drawing                                                             8

          6. 3D drawing                                                                  8

          7.  Hidden Surface Elimination                                         4

          8. Illumination Models and Rendering                                4

          9. Other topics                                                                4




1.    Introduction                                                     

1.1. Applications of Computer graphics

1.2. Use in data visualization and CAD

1.3. Colour monitors, RGB scheme

1.4. Introduction to OpenGL 


2.    Line drawing                                                    

2.1. DDA algorithm

2.2. Bresenham line algorithm

2.3. Bresenham Circle generation (one octant)

2.4. Polygon filling algorithms

2.4.1 splitting concave polygons

2.5. openGL line functions


3.    Geometric Transformations                              

3.1. 2 D translation

3.2. 2 D rotation

3.3. Scaling

3.4. shearing

3.5. Reflection about a line

3.6. Composite transformation

3.7. OpenGL functions






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4.    Clipping algorithms                                           

4.1. Cohen Sutherland line clipping

4.2. Cyrus Beck clipping

4.3. Handling concave windows

4.4. Mid point subdivision method


5.    Curve Drawing                                                                               

5.1. C0  , C1 , C2 continuities

5.2. Hermite curves

5.3. Bezier curves

5.3.1.  parametric curve representation

5.3.2.  Bezier form

5.3.3.  Joining two cubic  Bezier curves

5.3.4.  Relating Bezier to Hermite curve

5.3.5.  Drawing Bezier curves by hand given slope and end point values

5.3.6.  Bezier surface generation

5.4. B-Spline Curve

5.4.1.  Curve equations

5.4.2.  Uniform periodic Curve

5.4.3.  Cubic periodic curve

5.4.4.  Open uniform curve

5.4.5.  Relating end point and slope information to draw curves


5.5. Displaying curves on computer screen

5.5.1.  Horner’s rule

5.5.2.  Forward difference calculations

5.6. OpenGL curve functions


6.    3D viewing                                                       

6.1. 3D geometric transformations

6.2. Types of projections – parallel, isometric, perspective

6.3. Parallel Projections

6.3.1.  Front view, Top view, side views

6.3.2.  Axonometric views - types

6.3.3.  Isometric view generation

6.4. Perspective projections

6.4.1.  One vanishing point perspective

6.4.2.  Two vanishing point perspective

6.5. 3D clipping – parallel and perspective

6.6.  Generating solids

6.6.1.  Sweep representation

6.6.2.  CSG constructive solid geometry




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7.    Hidden surface elimination                               

7.1. Back face detection

7.2. Depth buffer method

7.3. A-buffer method

7.4. Scan line method

7.5. Painters algorithm (depth sorting)


8.    Illumination Models and Rendering                              

8.1. Basic illumination models

8.2. Diffuse reflection

8.3. Specular reflection

8.4. Constant intensity surface rendering

8.5. Gouraud surface rendering

8.6. Phong rendering

8.7. Ray tracing method


9.    Other topics                                                              

9.1. Fractals

9.1.1.  fractal dimension

9.1.2.  fractal generation

9.1.3.  self-similar factals

9.1.4.  random midpoint displacement methods

9.1.5.  self squaring fractals

9.2. Animation

9.2.1.  Key frame systems

9.2.2.  Morphing

9.2.3.  Simulating accelerations



Text Book:

  1. Computer graphics with OpenGL by Hearn and Baker, Third Edition, 2009 (Indian Edition) Pearson Education.


Reference Books:

  1. Procedural Elements for Computer graphics  by Rogers, International student edition, Mc Graw Hill, 1985.
  2. Computer graphics by Foley and van Dam, Addison Wesley (paper back edition), 1997.
  3. Computer Graphics, by Hanmandlu, Edited by ISTE, 2005, BPB publications.
  4. Introduction to computer graphics and multimedia, by Mukhopadhyay and Chattopadhyay, second edition, 2007, Vikas Publishing House.